Saturday, November 16, 2013

Of Mjolnir, Runes, and Loki in Chains

Or, Why did Marvel screw this up?

As will probably become quickly apparent, I tend to overthink things, and I'm also a fierce perfectionist.  Great qualities for a cosplayer, right?

However, it does lead me to discoveries like this:
1) The runes on Mjolnir are misspelled.  *headdesk*
2) The runes on Loki's impressive and elaborate chains at the start of The Dark World ARE THE SAME (misspelled) RUNES!  *froths at the mouth*


Pause for details and background:
Classic Marvel comics has Mjolnir (Thor's hammer) with the following incantation:  "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

In the films, they went with: "He who wields this hammer commands the lightning and the storm." which mimics a statement made by Odin in the first Thor film.  It also gets nicely around the comics issue with other people picking up Thor's hammer and getting his strength and godlike Asgardian abilities along with his nifty storm-king tricks.  Marvel Movie Thor appears to be quite capable and durable even without his hammer - note the S.H.I.E.L.D infiltration in Thor.

So that's all well and good.  Interesting background, good reason for a minor change.  But, they misspelled their own phrase, and used the wrong runes (in my opinion) for the letters.

How can people tell?  It's just a transliteration of the English words into Elder Futhark runes.  However, unlike English, there are different choices for the sounds that T makes (looks like an upward pointing arrow) and the sound that TH makes (looks like a p with the line extended upwards - called Thorn).  In addition, there are also a few different choices to make for the vowels involved, and one rune for N, and another for Ng (like the end of "sing").  Besides all that, it looks like they threw in some plain and simple misspellings ("woh" for "who") to round it all off.  Delightful.

Youngpaddy1 of the excellent maker community at (his post is #7 in the linked thread) made clear-image files of the runes in question, correcting misspellings, but not the odd rune choices.  The phrase starts with  "He" at the top of the circle, looks like HM.

Notable nits to pick regarding rune choices:

"This" is transcribed in the image as Thorn, H, EI, S, but really, it should either be: Thorn, I, S. or T, H, I, S.  Likewise both "the"s are created with Thorn, H, EI, and should either be Thorn, E or T, H, E.

The hard K sound of "commands" is the K rune, which is cool; this is phonetic-ish transcribing here, and there isn't a rune corresponding to our hard C, BUT they use Ng instead of N, which is odd.

"Lightning" is also a little weird: L, EI, G, H, Thorn, Ng, EI, Ng, G.   Which is weird as hell, because I would go with L, EI, G, H, T, N, E, NG.

"And" is also using the NG rune instead of the N rune.

"Storm" is using the Thorn instead of the T rune.

So, you can do it to match the film, you can match the film's rune choices but correct the misspellings, or you can do it to make it scan better letter-by-letter, or phonetically, whichever you prefer.

So Mjolnir is sorted.  But that doesn't solve my problem for Loki, because I really don't like that those chains, as elaborate as they are, don't have appropriate wording on them (remember the overthinking?).  So, I'm in the market for some anti-Loki charms if I choose to go that route.  I need (short!) phrases that are designed around cutting off Loki's trickster abilities and physical power.  Any ideas?

And yes, I do know WHY Marvel re-used the runes for Loki's chains.  The whole scene was a very late addition, and the pick-up photography happened in a rush, many months after actual filming was finished.  Still, if they had time to imprint runes onto the prop at all, it couldn't have taken that much longer for someone to pick out and inscribe a different, more applicable phrase.

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