Loki Resources

December 22, 2013: Plastic Chain.

Loki's chains when he's brought before Odin - the cuffs are complex, but at least the chain itself is simple, right?  Nope.  Why would they be simple?  Check out a high-res image.  First, the individual links are oversized, and they're also decorative - a bit oddly shaped, and with protrusions and filigree on each link.  (We're not getting into the cuffs on the neck, wrist, and ankle this time around.)  There's also approximately a nautical mile of chain involved, and no one wants to wander around a convention with 50 extra pounds hanging off their neck and arms, right?

So - plastic chain.  OVERSIZED plastic chain.  I'm looking at the 3" for the neck-to-waist chain, but I might move up to the 4" after I've tested the proportions - I'll let you know.

Once you've got the link size right, then they can be altered with a heat gun (carefully, please - don't burn yourself or anyone/thing else) to change the shape of the links, and with Bondo or another 2-part epoxy to add the filigree ornamentation.

Once they're warped and ornamented, then they'll need to be painted with plastic-safe paint.   Krylon's "Fusion" paint is AMAZING, but also expensive as hell.  There are other plastic-safe options out there - check your local hardware store.  Once they've been coated with paint, then if you want to be really picky, you can distress the links further with easy paint techniques.

Happy crafting!

November 16, 2013:  Zippers.

Zipper-tape in continuous lengths for metallic edging. Technically speaking, the trim on the various Thor/Avengers/Dark World Asgardian outfits is made of zipper stops, but those have to be bought individually, and then individually clamped to the edges of the costume pieces (my estimate is between 20 and 50 zipper stops for every foot of edging).  Other people may prefer to do it that way, but I like the continuity of the zipper teeth close together, and I don't think the size difference will be too great.  Also, I like my hands, and don't have scads of free time to spend clamping zipper stops to costume pieces.



http://www.zippersource.com/guide/  (has medium and large zipper-stops for purchase in sets of 100)

General Zipper info:
"Coil" zippers are what you see on cheap nylon windbreakers, as are "molded-form" zippers.  They are both plastic, and not suited for this application because you would need to paint them with metallic paint before using, and they are also the wrong shape.

Metal zippers are simply metal tabs.  Much better.

Zippers come in sizes determined by how many millimeters across the zipper is when it is closed.  Therefore an M4 zipper is really narrow (short narrow teeth) and an M6 is bigger, and an M10 is bigger still.  I was able to find M8 and M10 in a continuous tape form, which I think will suit.  If I can find metal M12 or higher in lengths to suit, I will post that resource also.

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